Don't Leave Me Lonely
I got this survey in an email from Dani & figured I'd share it here.
[1] What is your middle name: Sue
[2] What color is your mailbox: Silver at my legal address, white at where I usually stay.
[3] How many pair of shoes in your closet? Not enough!
[4] Have you ever hit a deer: My name isn't Bill! My Dad is a PRO at deer hitting.
[5] Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home? Little bitty overpass type bridges.
[6] Do you get the paper delivered to your house in the morning: Nope...I'll read it online for free. My newspaper of choice is Macomb Daily.
[7] Who checks the mail in your house? At my legal address, my Gma & I take turns. At the house I usually stay at...Jo.
[8] Do you have a small driveway: At Gma's there is no driveway. At this house, its a LONG driveway!!!!!
[9] Do you know anyone with the same clothes as you: they couldn't be the same.
[10] What do you do first in the morning? Hit the snooze, to shut the alarm off ASAP. I HATE NOISE!
[11] What brand is your printer: HP
[12] Do you enjoy fighting with people: keep things interesting.
[13] Is your hair naturally straight or curly: STICK STRAIGHT!
[14] Who was your kindergarten teacher: Mrs. Watson (and she was MEAN!)
[15] Burial preference? In a box, the cheapest box you can find.
[16] Are you taller than your mother: Yes, about an inch or 2.
[17] Do you have a favorite word: interesting
[18] Are you God? NOT even close!
[19] What do you do to get over a broken heart? Eat ice cream or go to the bar with my girl Shell.
[20] Do you have a deep dark secret: Not really & anyways...I wouldn't tell YOU what it is.
[21] Have you ever spent time in jail? Not yet.
[22] Do you enjoy writing in colored pens? Yep...especially glittery ones.
[23] Does anything hurt on your body right now? Not really.
[24] Do you often cry during movies? I cry often & easy.
[25] Do you hate your life: No!
[26] Do you get mad easily? I don't think so. Annoyed yes,
[27] Do you drink to get drunk: Haven't done that in a LONG time!
[28] What is your biggest pet peeve: People (BILL!) wasting my time!
[29] What is your away message? I don't have one up right now.
[30] Do any of your friends have kids: yes
[31] Have you had any mystical, paranormal, or UFO experiences? no.
[32] Who should pay on the first date: anyone but me. ;-)
[33] How many years older than you are you willing to date? Age is (basically) irrelevant to me. Probably 10 years...but it would just depend.
[34] Do you have any friends: a few (and I like it that way!)
[35] Do you have any mean friends: ha. I did, but I cut the negativity from my life!
[36] What is the ugliest color in your opinion: Boring brown
[37] Have you ever liked someone who all your friends couldn't stand: yes!!! I should have listened to my friends!
[38] Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff: driving into a wall, yes...driving off a cliff, no.
[39] Have you ever been fired from a job: no
[40] What year was your house built: The house where I usually stay...1999.
[41] When was the last time you slept in someone elses bed: Last weekend.
[42] What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now: wearing pjs! I live in PJs!
[43] How tall are you: 5'8"
[44] What is the closest green object: My purse
[45] What is on your feet: some bruises
[46] Do you always wear underwear? no...I hate being confined. In my next life I'm joining a nudist colony!
[47] Do you enjoy the sensation of human flesh on your tongue? That's a weird question.
[48] Do you want to have kids? Yep...a whole softball team worth would be kick a$s.
[49] Did you know this ISN'T a McDonalds employee audition form? Darn! It would be a better J-O-B then the one I have.
[50] Have you ever run in a marathon? not yet!
[51] Do you know how to draw: I doodle a lot, but to really draw, no.
[52] Whats your mothers middle name: Jean
[53] Stupidest movie you ever saw: If its really stupid, I don't watch it, at all of it!
[54] Do you collect comic books: no
[55] Do you look like your dad: Not at all!
[56] Do you have any TV shows on DVD: no
[57] Are you wearing makeup: no
[58] Do you have a tattoo: no
[59] What is your guilty pleasure? Scrapbook store shopping!
[60] You win the lottery. You: buy Gma a car, pay off my parents house, buy JJ a house & a reliable car, go to Ireland, buy myself a H2, give some to charities I believe in, etc.
[61] How many pairs of underwear do you have: I haven't counted them lately, but if you ask how many pairs of toe socks I have...I know that number.
[62] Is there something you want to tell someone, but you haven't? Not really, but there are some people that I don't talk to often enough, so when I do talk to them...I have SO much to tell them!
[63] Who is your hero: Dad, Pastor Mike, Gma & Gpa W.
[64] Who'd you last IM: I think it was SML.
[65] Do you work a lot of hours? at work...40 hours a week & not a minute more.
[66] What do you do when you are stressed out? PRAY, cry, sleep, talk/whine to SML.
[67] Who was the last person that called you? Dad
[68] Is there anything you regret? I try to NOT regret things. Of course, there are things I would do different if given a second chance.
[69] Do you know where your family name originated from? Europe somewhere technically. In MY opinion, AMERICA. I'm strange. Don't get me started on heritage.
[70] Is there any animal that creeps you out? BIRDS! Anything that FLIES basically.
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
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