I HATE the company that issues my paycheck! HATE HATE HATE! I have at many times, disliked the job, some people I work with, the company that I work for, the company that issues my check. Today, I OFFICIALLY hate the company that I technically work for. It wouldn't surprise me if I was out of a job very soon. I'd rather not go on and on about what went down today, but ERRRRRRRRRR. Surprisingly, my supervisor's boss is sticking up for me. Of course, this all had to go down starting at about 14:35 today when I leave at 14:45. I pray that boss was able to get things worked out. If not, God only knows. here I come. We've got a date for Saturday, for sure! NO ONE deserves to be talked to the way I was today...NO ONE!
I got to SEE Gma for the first time today, since last Wednesday. According to the doctors she's doing as expected. The infection that had her "quarantined" is going down (the # that they are watching), her heart is doing well, her incision is healing good. She's having a hard time eating, so she's getting lots of fruit & milkshakes. She might be moving to the rehab center as early as tomorrow. The biggest problem right now is she's hallucinating...and BAD. She keeps telling everyone (EVERYONE!) she has AIDS, so do all her kids, she's SO sorry, she'll burn in Hell (yet, she knows that God has forgiven her for her sins and that God loves her and God has the power to heal her), that there's a man in her ceiling, she didn't have sex with anyone in Vegas, she's donating her body to research tonight cause she's already dead, etc.
The first Detroit Red Wings game of the season (preseason really) is on TV tonight. Its like the 2nd game...but the first one on TV. I'm SOOOOOOOO excited, I just can't hide it. Hockey rules. Its the coolest game on ice, ya know?!
God is love!
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