The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Its Your Love

WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Soul 2 Soul II was GREAT!!!!!!!!!

Note: This was the 2nd time I've ever seen Faith Hill (only other time I saw her was Soul 2 Soul in 2000). I've seen Tim McGraw countless times now (heck, I even TOUCHED him once!), starting in October of 1997...but I hadn't seen him since March 2003.

The stage configuration was, BY FAR, the BEST I've ever seen!! People that have ADHD as bad as I do, it was a little overwhelming, but still SUPER! It was set up like a big cross, with a circle in the middle. The "main" part of the stage was in the very center of the venue, but the cross parts went end to end! The reason it was difficult for me, was because it was SO large, the entire thing had always changing screens under it. Add on trying to watch the band, Tim and/or Faith, and the screens in the air!

The concert started about 15 minutes late which bugged me. There was no intermission, so people were coming and going all the time & pissing me off!!!! When I was Tim McGraw & The Dance Hall Doctors, The One Band Show the same venue, they put up signs saying there was NOT an intermission. I wish they would have done that. Somehow, I sat thru an entire 3 hour show without peeing! MIRACLE, I know!!

They did things different (then I remember from Soul 2 Soul in 2000)...which was really cool. They started together, then Faith sang, then together, then Tim, then together again. They both have so many awesome songs, they didn't play all my favorites (Take Me As I Am, Piece Of My Heart, My Best Friend, Indian Outlaw, Refried Dreams, etc). The only song that they sang together, that I LOVED was the last one, I don't even know its name...I don't think its really a Tim & Faith guess is its call "I Need You" but I couldn't find it online. Faith sounded SUPERB during that song. Her voice amazes me. All the other songs, they sang either back to back, or from opposite ends of the stage, not even looking at each other. The last song they sang, face to face, about 6 inches from each other, with a big sweet kiss at the end!

During the concert when Faith was doing her show, like the time before when I saw her, I was crying. I don't know what it is about her, but seeing her in concert gets me so excited, I'm moved to tears. She rules! I can't think of another female artist I would rather see!!!

When Faith was singing "Way You Love Me" I couldn't help but laugh & think about ST. When that song was big & all over the radio, I used to sing (aka SCREAM) to ST..."If I could grant you 1 wish, something something the way you kiss." Yes, I couldn't remember it, plus my version was much better.

Towards the end, when they sang "Its Your Love" I was sobbing like a baby! (Note: When I saw Tim & Faith together before, I was VERY happy in a loving relationship with ST.) It just sent me into a strange spiral of every emotion. Where I'm completely over ST & that relationship...I miss being IN LOVE and someone being IN LOVE with me. Sometimes, I get all messed up within my head thinking I'll never find that again. The song also had me take a happy trip down memory lane regarding ST.

When Tim sang "Live Like You Were Dying" the crowd went nuts, the craziest it was all night. Tim also has went back to dressing better...and not like a chick that he tried for awhile. He's HOT!

Yesterday was Gracie (Tim & Faith's oldest daughter) 9th they both dedicated songs to her, which was so sweet!

The shirt I wanted to buy after the show, they didn't have in my size. I NEED that shirt! I settled for another one. I'm going to look for the one I want online. If that doesn't work...I'm going to have everyone look for me at the shows they go to! (That's you, Pink Lady!)

SML did a (fairly) good job of not being crabby & letting me be. I get into this zone, of sorts, regarding Tim & Faith. He only bugged me once, which more on that later, cause I'm MAD at myself about it.

All in all, the show was GREAT, TERRIFIC, SUPER, AWESOME, AMAZING!!! Any questions?

God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!


At Saturday, May 06, 2006 6:03:00 PM, Blogger Princess PinkLady said...

Awesome..sounds like you had a great time! I'm going in June, so if you don't find that shirt before then be sure to let me know and I'll see if I can get it for you :)


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