The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Burnin' Up

So many things on my mind. Its almost 5am and I can't sleep. It doesn't matter if I nap or not, if I take drugs to help me sleep or not, I just can't "sleep" like a normal night. Like 6 hours straight (especially between midnight and 6am) is VERY VERY rare! Seriously...driving me nuts lately.

I can't stand double standards. Its been a hot button issue with me for as long as I can remember. Lots of those going on lately and I am doing everything in my power to not explode. Keeping so much bottled up lately isn't healthy but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

I'm talking to a new boy. I use the word talking loosely. I don't have a clue where things are headed, but whatever. Its fun. I love having someone paying attention to me. Sad but true. I'm afraid to even mention it because that will surely jinx things and mess them all up!

Last night, I hung out with my cousins. They rock. Actually they are my Dad's cousins kids. It kinda makes me sad that I am closer to these kids then I am my own real cousins and can relate to them and stuff. The only cousin I had that I ever really related to died. DIED. Died 13 years ago. And they aren't kids...they are 18 & 21 and did I mention they rock? The 18 year old was playing the roll of my body guard all night. Fun times.

God is love!


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