The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lay It All On The Line

I gave a few people from work the address to this thing. Hope I haven't said to much bad about them. ;-) So, hello work buddies!

Someone posted a comment the other day about God, who is he? I know the person was saying it in a rude way...but I still feel the need to answer that. I'm never good at answering questions like that...but here's my best answer. (Where's Thick with her good preachy answer!?) God is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Alpha & Omega, my Salvation, creator of Heaven & Earth, Adam & Eve, Day & Night. God sent his son, to save us. Jesus was crusified for my (and your!) sins, and ROSE I (and everyone that believes!), can spend eternity with HIM! How cool is that?!

Jo's a snot.

Off to do something exciting...yay laundry. yay exercise.

T out.


At Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there work buddy "T"
Is there a reason you don't use your name or have a picture? I like what you said about God being good all the time! True True
I like your daily scripture thing too.


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