Away from the Sun
My funk is starting to turn into a depression rut, I can just tell. I know it won't last forever, but in the mean just sucks.
There are a few things that my parents taught me growing up, that right now...are going to be biting them in the butt. 1) If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. So, in other words, I better NOT speak to them for awhile. Yes, I can be a hot head, I'm much better at controlling it then I used to be. 2) Respect is a 2 way street. You have to give respect to get respect. Of course, they are my family and I LOVE THEM but right now, I don't like them at all. The junk going on with them definitly isn't helping this rut of mine.
I go to Church & participate in Church functions for God. There was a few minutes this morning when I wasn't going to Church, then it hit me...its for GOD not for ME or my family. Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm going to hide in my room or something. I wish I could just run away, but that's not in the budget, plus I've got housework and laundry to Church tonight is going to be cool.
T out.
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