I catnapped for 3 hours this afternoon and I'm still tired. I'll be in my bed, passed out by 22:00, most likely.
My favorite Aunt/little cousin's Mother/Grandmother passed away this morning. We all knew it was coming any day as she had cancer, but it still doesn't take the pain and sadness away. So, Tuesday afternoon/evening, I'll be doing the funeral gig again. Wait...its NOT a funeral, its a Celebration of Life. Its likely, I'll just have the little ones outside/in another room during the service, cause that's just how things work out usually and I'm okay with that!
I haven't mentioned it lately and since people have not nice things to say about me...screw them. Red's adorable...inside & out. Why must he be so far away? I'm SINGLE in every sense of the word...I'm allowed to think more then 1 guy is cute at a time, hell, I'm allowed to do what I please, with whom I please, how I please, when I please. Can ya tell people are getting under my skin lately?
Church tomorrow. I'm feeling a little bad cause I haven't been to David's Friends for the past 2 Wednesday, forgot about a prayer gathering on Friday night, didn't go to Church last Sunday night, and quit the drama gig. Oh well. God knows what's going on and its all good in the 'hood.
Besides Church tomorrow, I've got to do some laundry and housework so my familly will shut up. Exciting Sunday, here I come!
That's all folks.
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