The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

***I had SML, one of my very best friends, proofread this post, to make sure MY thoughts were as clear as could be, that I wasn't going out of my way to offend certain people.  I just need to get some things bugging me off MY chest.  I want to cry & vomit lately, regarding these subjects.  ***

I know I have VERY alternative views from mainstream America on many issues. 

Now, these are MY views, MY thoughts, MY opinions!  I am PERFECTLY aware that EVERYTHING does NOT work for EVERYONE!  I am also PERFECTLY aware that when I'm in a given situation my current views/thoughts/opinions could change.  Now, the great majority of my views/thoughts/opinions come from educating myself.  Of course, being the Christian I am, I view the Bible as a helpful educational tool...trusting & having faith in God always.  The 2 issues that are hot buttons with me right now, are situations I've NEVER been in first hand.  So, like I said MY views COULD change....just EERRRRRRRRRRR!

Homebirth is just ONE of these issues.  Now, I have EDUCATED myself EXTENSIVELY (especially to NOT be having a child anytime soon!) on the subject.  Its something that I wholeheartedly believe is something great.  I hate (and avoid!) the topic of childbirth with most people.  I hate that America tends to treat it as a medical PROBLEM.  The subject briefly came up at work this week, that I'm PRO homebirth (FOR ME!) and the girl wanted to start a war about it.  Toss in that when (IF) I ever have children I see myself being so "opposite" of mainstream.  I'm sure this is a war I'm going to have to get used to.  Seriously, though...the uneducated make me want to vomit.  If YOU want to have your baby in a hospital because you think its best for YOU...GOOD.  Don't dare tell me that homebirth is TERRIBLE when you know NOTHING about it!

The next issue of divorce.  FOR MYSELF, I'm VERY anti-divorce.  Perfect reason I'm not getting married ANY TIME soon.  In general though, I believe America as a whole GIVES UP on marriage to often, to quick, these days.  Obviously, I KNOW there are times when getting out of a marriage is the best thing to doAdd in that people often get married for the WRONG reasons these days too.  When JJ & John got a divorce, I took it VERY hard.  They were the first people I was REALLY close to, that divorced.  When ST & I broke off our engagement, the thought of divorce, the FEAR of it, was one of my main reasons.  (At the time, I had about 10 reasons...but the fear of divorce was in the top 3) Now, currently some friends of mine are in the mix of this whole divorce junk.  2 sets of friends should have NEVER married.  They know they got married for ALL the wrong reasons.  1 set of friends is just giving up to easily. First real issue in their marriage & its time to hang up the skates.  It saddens me, seriously makes me want to VOMIT, the thought of how America basically takes marriage as a joke.  Get married, get big thing.

Again, these are MY THOUGHTS/VIEWS/OPINIONS!  They aren't meant to hurt or offend ANYONE!  I know what works for one will NEVER work for all. 

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


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