Kiss Me
Things I dislike about Summer:
Flies! There is a random fly flying around this room right now and its annoying the piss out of me!
Onto more interesting (or boring) things...also known as Princess Whiny B*tch rambles...
The events that have unfolded in the past 7 days have helped me out a great deal. My self confidence is at a level it hasn't been in a long time. My ability to be me, the real me (the ME I've been looking for) is starting to slowly, with caution, come back. I managed to step outside my social phobic box on more than 1 occasion. My ability to open up & trust people (with caution, of course!) amazes me. I really was doubting my ability to ever trust people in certain aspects again.
Of course, this does NOT mean...I am 100% fine. I'm still, for sure, going to have my social phobic moments, I'm not the person I want to be yet. It doesn't mean that I won't get sad & crappy about being single, which does have its benefits ;-). Doesn't mean I won't get depressed either...cause that's bound to happen (especially if I continue to not sleep!)
I'm proud of me, I'm making & taking steps to become the person I want to be. I want to be ME...I just want to be outgoing, louder, confident, independent, friendly, & social. I used to be all those things, so I know I can get there again!
I wish I could explain things better, cause I feel like they are as clear as mud...but I can't. It does suck that there isn't a single person that I can really explain my life to right now. Well, there are 2...but 1, has different priorities, and 2, something about I won't put ALL the effort forward. Blah. ;-) Things are a little scary, but whatever...I'll take it & run with it. ;-) Growing up, moving on, getting over things. Its all good in the 'hood. I like to talk (type) in circles.
Go Tigers!
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
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