The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Other Side

So I decided to NOT go to work today.  The not being able to talk a lot/swallow/breathe right gig doesn't work for my job.  They were nice to me yesterday, but I've been there long enough to not expect that treatment 2 days in a row.  Plus, I've got 1 sick day AND 1 late/leave early day to use this week.  Yes, I must push the attendance bonus!  Hell, I've only actually gotten it 2 times in the nearly 5 years I worked there.

Last night, I was in bed by 21:00.  That's EARLY for me!  I looked at my cell phone this morning and I missed a call (I didn't dump it to VM, just missed it) and received/sent text messages.  Yes, I was sleeping and sending texts.  GREAT.  Those are probably better then my drunken text messages I've sent in the past.

Back to sleep I go.

God is love!


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