Sweet Caroline
Jo & I have always wondered..."What is Normal?" Seriously...what is NORMAL?
When I was about 16, my frisin (friend+cousin) Trin was about 13. We always bickered about "normal"...I was normal, she wasn't.
I take normal to mean, the majority...like if the majority of people think the sky is blue, then the sky normally is blue. According to dictionary.com, on of the difinitons is "average" which is basically, the point I was making with majority.
I know I'm weird, goofy, and just plain OUT THERE sometimes...but there is NO such thing as NORMAL!
Is it possible for someone to be a tree-hugging, pro-choice, Christian, Republican? I think it is...cause that's what I want to be! I have got to work on the tree-hugging part some...but I'll get there. Like I said, I'm out there.
T out.
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