The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Big Beat

I started typing a post, then IE froze and I lost it. ANNOYING!

I am doing MUCH better then I was a few hours ago. I was having crazy raging suicidal/homicidal thoughts. For me to swing so badly, I must say, I did a damn good job of keeping myself rational. I'd rather not disclose details of what lead me to swing so badly. All I can say is something MUST change DRASTICALLY VERY SOON regarding my Mom & her care.

I didn't get to go to Dad's softball. It got cancelled due to a thunderstorm in the 2nd inning, so I didn't mess much.

As of right now, my weekend is going to be "calmer" then I thought..."calmer" but its my life, my house, my family, my can't be that calm. Tomorrow evening Shell & I are grabbing dinner. Saturday is free (besides housework, laundry, Mom-sitting), and Sunday is just Church and Church...but evening Church (most likely) is a concert at a different Church. I might fit some shopping in there somewhere (I have $$ and need clothes BADLY!) or maybe some hanging out with SML, since he has the weekend off. Its me...I'm not great at making (and KEEPING) plans...we shall see.

Bed time NOW! 3 hours of broken sleep doesn't cut it.

Peace, love, and sweatiness to all.


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