Love Never Fails
I told SML I was going to bed 64 minutes ago...and here I am. So much to do, and so little time.
David's Friends was interesting tonight. This week is "moving up" week. All the children go up to their new classes for Sunday school and stuff. That also means that the new high school grads are part of our group. I feel bad for Jo. One of her ex-friends is now part of our group. Its making Jo VERY uncomfortable. I don't understand (and don't think I ever will) why Jo & this girl aren't friends anymore...I just hope they can get along and be cordial for the sake of the group. At the end tonight, we did this thing were we all prayed for everyone else. We were basically sitting in a circle, each person was to pray for the person on their left. Red started, we were laughing way to much as the guys (Red & Erob mainly) were praying. Then the girl next to me prays for Jo not me (Jo was kinda across from me), so she totally killed the circle. I think the real reason that the girl did that was because she couldn't remember my name. This girl is the blondest brunette I know! Jo went ahead and prayed for the person she was supposed to, then it got back to the girl on my left, she prayed for me...leaving me to pray last, praying for the person that started the prayer, praying for Red. EEEEEK. I could pray for anyone else in the group without getting tongue-tied and just frozen. I can carry on converstations with this kid face to face, talk with him about serious issues, laugh with him, have fun with him, but praying for him outloud, in front of 10 other people and I was dead in my tracks. I really need someone different to be infatuated with. Red was in 7th grade when I graduated...he's 4.5 years younger then me. I'm weird.
Now its 81 minutes after I said I was getting ready for bed...I'm going...soon.
T out.
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