The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, June 06, 2005

That Was Us

So much going on, so little time to blog. I've been doing MUCH better at putting other things (like SLEEP) before the computer.

Softball sucked today. We lost by 2 runs...kind of. We only got to play 3 innings, and according to the rules we have to play 4 innings for the game to count. We shall see what happens. I walked 3 times, I didn't swing the bat at all...I don't think I had a strike called at all. I played 3rd base...something that I've only done 1 other time. The 1st inning, I played crappy, but it got better. E5! Jo didn't go, something about not feeling good, her legs hurting. We played with 9 people. At least, we had a cool bad his son didn't come with him.

Things aren't going well with Mom. We are all physically and mentally exhausted. Gma is here for a few days, trying to help. Jo has been busting her ass, in dealing with Mom. Mom normally goes about 1 week bad, 3 weeks good. Well, lets just say we are on about day 17 of her doing bad. I've been doing the best I can to help out some, but still take care of myself. The way I always managed to deal with Mom's bad spells before...was just that...they were bad spells, they would be gone soon enough. Not this time.

Tomorrow is work, Dad's softball, and drama club...I think. What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.

Peace, love, and allergies to all.


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