The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I have 2 different health issues, which require me to do some things a little different then most. Its really SIMPLE. #1, I can't drink alcohol often and in huge quantites. #2, I need to take 3 vitamins a day.

#1 is never an issue.

#2 is always an issue. I HATE HATE HATE pills with a passion. You would think BY NOW, since this has been an issue since high shcool, I would KNOW by now to NOT skip the vitamins. Sometimes, when I'm eating GREAT, doing without the vitamins doesn't mess me up (at least, not that quickly) Today is day 4 without them...and I feel like shit. DUH. It hit me, V-I-T-A-M-I-N-S.

So, I just took my vitamins. I've been avoiding them since I only have 2 left of the 1 kind. Need. To. Hit. The. Lotto. NOW!

Peace, love, and vitamins to all.


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