Storm In The Heartland
Life is so interesting. Obviously today, since I've posted a bunch of times, I've done a lot of NOTHING. I've been running so much durning the week, that I love being able to just chill on the weekends.
NOTHING = making large ass pasta salad, doing about 5 loads of laundry, cleaning the kitchen & dining watching way to much TV, playing on this great computer, and napping...what I do BEST!
Today, I was invited to a birthday party for this adorable 1 year old...David. It was a pool party. There was a thunderstorm happening. Not my idea of fun. So, now I'm a snot for not going. Oh well. Plus, it was to much outside my social box for me. I would have known 6 people out of a million...the birthday boy, and his family. Oh yeah, 1 girl from my softball team that doesn't know my name. Of course, Red would have been there...but I don't expect him to spend all his time with me, when he's got a house of a millon people.
I wish my family would RESPECT the fact that I've grown out of being friends with P. Its not like I hate her or anything, I don't wish bad upon her. I have NO problem with the fact that my family likes her and stuff. Don't ride my ass about WHY I'm not her friend anymore, WHY I'm such a bad person because of it, etc.
A few months ago, when I, with my friends, went out with ST & Ann, I posted about how much ST has changed. ST & I talked about it, and all was cool. I had a revelation today. I have changed SO much in the past 8+ months. As humans, we are always changing. Its much easier to notice change within others. I don't think that I've changed in a bad or good way, I just realize how much I have changed. I'm *so* content with where I'm at in MY life.
My friends rule! I know I say that time & time again...but they are the greatest. The 2 that get big gold stars today are Butt & SML. Funny thing, if someone would have told me a year ago, that I'd be giving those 2 the gold friendship stars, I would have died laughing. SML has been my rock. He's by my side, (over the phone most of the time...but you know what I mean) whenever I need someone! Butt rules, cause she's her. Makes tons of sense. She's went and saw Mom at the hospital today. Chilled up there for much longer then I would have! It means so much to me, to know that my friends care about my Mom (& me)! Oh yeah...SML rules cause he still agrees to marry me when we are both single on my 35th birthday.
Its just after 22:00, I have nothing to do. YAY! Maybe I'll scrapbook tonight. Haven't done that in WAY to long. Hmmmmmmm.
Tomorrow, I'm going to some fireworks with SML. I think the place having fireworks has a fair. Elephant ear, ferris wheel, and fireworks. AWESOME.
T out.
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