Life Of My Own
I have no idea how I'm still awake right now. I'm spent. Physically & emotionally. The funeral went as well as funerals go. The pastor was great! I was so proud of his Mom. She got up & talked at the funeral. She said she had to do it with eyes closed, because looking at everyone she'd start crying again. His best friend said it best...his fights over, his pain is over, he's home but it doesn't mean we can't be sad. The first person I saw at the funeral home was a buddy of mine from HS. Then, at the luncheon (really dinner) afterwards...directly across the table from me was Butt's little sister. I haven't seen her in geez...5+ years now.
Mom didn't get to go to the funeral with us. She's had 4 grand mal seizures today. Lovely. She has no clue what's going on, no idea where Jo & I were tonight. Once she remembers that she lost some time, missed the funeral, etc...she's going to be upset.
I've got to do better at keeping in touch with those that are imporant to me...whether old or young, near or far...with technology being what it is, there is no reason to not keep in touch.
I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is another marathon is Saturday, and Sunday...and blah blah blah. I'm going OUT tomorrow. At least...I hope that part of my tomorrow doesn't change. I'm so slap happy tired. Bed. NOW.
God's plan...God's time.
T out.
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