The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Right Stuff

I didn't go & take a nap before work this morning.  I laid in bed for about 20 minutes, said forget it & started moving.  I actually ATE breakfast (at home!) & had a cup of tea.  It was nice, but not something I plan on doing often.

The ride into work was good, compared to some mornings I've had to take Mom down.  Mom talked lots, not that she remembers much of it.  Mom is doing very good mentally lately, praise God.  Mom has been talking about God & Church functions a lot more lately.  She's been talking with others about God too.  Outsiders don't know how GREAT that is, especially to me.  When you have a Mother with as many serious health issues as mine, to have her lose her faith, is scary.  She's been talking to my favorite Aunt a lot lately (the one that just lost her Mother) and I think they are doing each other a ton of good, spiritually!

Someone kidnapped my Dad & I want my real Dad back anytime now!  For as long as I can remember, Bill, (the biggest cheap skate ever and the stupidest smart person!) has ALWAYS drank old, nasty, flat, watered down, with bugs in it, whatever glass it was in...preferably, Faygo brand, or other cheap/store brands.  Yesterday, I drank about 1/2 of my glass of fresh Coca-Cola.  Jo was in the process of getting Dad something to drink.  I told her to just use my glass, and just fill it up the rest of the way.  He starts yelling about how he has turned over a new leaf, and he wants his own glass with new ice and fresh Coca-Cola.  Jo & I couldn't help but laugh.  Now, when his grocery bill goes up $10 a week...I'm sure he'll start drinking old cheap soda again.

No David's Friends tonight.  I feel lost without it.  It won't be a Wednesday without it.  Since we formed David's Friends (back in maybe March)...I've only missed 2 times.  I need my Churchy (thump thump) friends.  It takes a special group of people, to within 1 hour, laugh, cry, learn, & pray together! 

Work was a zoo again today.  I didn't know it, but they have a 100% freeze on hiring.  We were short staffed, THEN we lost 5 people (1 full timer, 4 parts)...and are loosing 1 more full timer on 11/01.  Some things this company does, just don't make sense!  Then again, what do I know!  A few of us have been finding time to get some audits done lately.  I'm about ready to punch a few people regarding them.  I understand if you think you were correct, I understand if you don't understand what you did wrong...but complaining just to complain about being audit.  Shut up, pay attention, and do your job better.  Two people that set me off today, regarding the audits, are the REASON we need to do audits...they think they know it ALL, and its obvious they don't!

I love autumn.  My drive home today, I just couldn't help but look at the pretty leaves and be amazed by God.  Autumn definitely is my favorite season! 

Peace, love, and dinner to all!


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