The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Shut Up And Dance

Jo deserves a big gold star on her forehead today!

Normally (August-May), on Thursday nights is the one night that I'm on Mom-sitting duty.  Seems as if 9 times out of 10...Mom isn't doing good when its my day.  Might also have to do with its Thursday and I've had enough of work, etc. and need my week to be over.  Well, today I was SO tired.  I almost go into a bad car accident on the way home.  I almost rear-ended a stopped truck while I was doing 70mph.  Thank God there was no one in the lane and shoulder next to me.  Then as I was much closer to home, I almost put my car in a ditch.  TIRED.  Well, I got home and Jo let me take a quality nap, no questions asked.  It helped that Mom was napping too.  Yay for naps. 

My weekend is pretty unplanned.  Chances are its going to stay that way due to lack of $$.  Oh well.  I'll sleep, clean, scrapbook and all that good stuff maybe...or probably really play online.  Unless my friends want to drive to the farm to hang out with me.  Ha.  That was funny. 

Now I'm off to get my 4 hours of sleep before I get to do it all over again.

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


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