The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Lay Down My Pride

Nothing to exciting to write about.

I love working out.  I just wish the task of getting my fat butt to the gym didn't seem like such a task.

It was a great day at work.  I was in such a good mood all day!

David's Friends tonight was okay.  I'm struggling with some issues regarding MY Church.  Good thing God & I are cool!  I have no idea where I'll attend Church on Sunday.  Right now, I'm leaning towards the Church about 15 miles west of us.  We shall see.

I have PLANS for Friday and Saturday!  MIRACLE!  With people I don't normally socialize with!  Go me!  I'm making new friends.

God is love!


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