The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I got behind on my POTD posts again and said I'd explain why...

Sunday morning, I went to Church like normal. JJ, Jax, and her husband came to Church...

(AHHHHHHHH! Interruption, I want to smack my Mom! And they have the nerve to wonder why I stay in my bedroom all the damn time!)

with us. Right after Church, my friend invited me over to hang out, but I was a little busy. After Church, JJ & family came over, we BBQ'ed and swam. They left, I was starting to watch the Tigers game and jumped on facebook. I was on facebook for about 2 minutes, turned the computer off, called my friend and told him I was coming to hang out. I needed someone that understands me and really to just get out of this house and away from life.

So, what on facebook set me off so bad, you ask.

Remember ST, the one I was engaged to, the one that lives in Cincinnati now, the one that I had a great friendship with for a long time...

well, I found out, via FACEBOOK that he is engaged. (Crap, I'm on the verge of crying, again) I knew ST was dating someone. He's been dating her about a year (give or take a few months).

ST is a great guy and deserves the best. I am truly happy for him & wish him nothing but the best. I mean that from the bottom of my heart...but it doesn't make it sting any less. It stings, not in a I want ST back way, or not in ST and I should be married with kids way...but i just stings. I can't really figure it out...partly because I never see myself getting married and having kids which makes every fiber of my being hurt and partly because this girl (who I don't know to say anything good or bad about) has taken my friendship with ST away. Now, there are other reasons (like living in 2 different states) that made the friendship fade...but ST having a girl was a huge part. Did I mention, I found out on FACEBOOK? That stung too. Badly.

So, I drove down to my friend's house. It was a beautiful day. We hung out, talked, he understood more then anyone could, went to a nice fun dinner, did a little Wal-Marting, got back to his house, took a long walk in the rain, watched some TV and ate popcorn, went to sleep at about midnight and slept until after 9am. Then he made me waffles for breakfast. :-) He's such a great friend that losing his friendship scares me to death...but sadly, part of me knows some day it will happen. I'll take it while I've got it.

I did send ST a text and said "congratulations"...when I really wanted to say "Congratulations, but it would have been nice to hear it from you and not find out on facebook!" He replied hours later "thankyou" and that was it. I just want to punch him for forgetting I'm a human with feelings.

God is love.


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