The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Break This Chain

I got flowers at work today! Actually, they came yesterday but I was already gone for the day. Everyone kept commenting on how pretty they were & who are they from. I was Ms Popularity today...especially since you can't walk into our room without seeing my little hole. Clown is/was determined they were from ST. He couldn't have been more wrong. The card simply read..."Just to make you smile. --SML" Awwww. (Yes it really said SML, not his name) I've gotten flowers lots, but never delivered to my work before. Totally made my day! The fact that when I opened them, I spilled water all over my chair (which Jess told me to trade with Clown's chair) was all the better!

Work was okay. I'm basically over the Clown thing. Mad a bit, but done. I'm annoyed by his & the married lady's giggling, talking, whispering, etc...but whatever. At about 14:45, we were hit with a bomb. As of June 1, 2005 we will have to pay 100% of our benefits. Currently, I pay 25%. I'm actually impressed that they gave us so much warning.

I made the choice to cancel plans with Shell & Cris on Saturday, which also means I won't be bowling. I didn't want to cancel plans with the girls, but a rare/important event came up. I got a snotty email back from P when I told her a I couldn't bowl. I resisted the temptation to sink to her level. Only 4 more times! P just IMed me about bowling. BE NICE BE NICE BE NICE T!

Basically, for the first time since I was a junior in HS (so...that's 1995-1996) I am physically & emotionally single. It has its advantanges, but it definitly has its disadvantages. Maybe a certain friend of mine will be at Saturdays event...and maybe the timing will be right finally. Isn't there some saying like "3rd times the charm?"

ST called me today, to apologize for missing an IM I sent him on Tuesday night (but he had already emailed me an apology). ST & I talked VERY cordially (actually, it was pretty friendly) today for about 30 minutes. I only cried while on the phone with him for about 30 seconds. He's so understanding. He knows this is really hard on me. He's been there, done that. He told me to ask him anything I wanted, but I only asked 1 question that was bugging me. He promises me that this girl wasn't in the picture in early January. I believe him. I have NO reason to not believe him. He is the one person that I TOTALLY trust in this world...with every single aspect of my life. We talked about his HS closing. We talked about Church (he's going to Church again...with her). We talked a little about her, Clown, our jobs, ST's hockey, Mom, a little about everything. We got off the phone because I was walking into Wal-Mart and was going to lose my signal soon. I see us turning the corner, where we might be able to be friends, at least over the phone/online. At the same time, I do NOT want to interfere with his relationship or start any issues with her. We shall see. I miss my best friend. When I got out of Wal-Mart, I did cry on and off for the next hour. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

KC better work her magic, that I know she's capable of...or I'm going to be a tad disappointed it was could be a GREAT weekend.

Tomorrow is Friday...WAHOOOOOOOOOO!

T out.


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