The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Promise Land

Everyone can pick on my thumping all they want, I seriously wish I could go to Church more then 3 times a week. I'm be cool with going daily. Of course, in this crazy world, time doesn't allow for that. The mood that Church service puts me in is so awesome, I just pray that God will find a way to fill me with that spirit all the time.

On the way home from picking up my Dad this afternoon, he started with this "God is so good" speech. It wasn't indepth or anything, but it was just so random & cool. God is good, all the time.

ST returned my calls last weekend, and I wasn't in a place to call him back yet...well, tonight I was, so I called, and got the voicemail. I want to be his friend, but 1) it will work how God wants it to...and 2) as much as it pains me to NOT be his friend, its his loss. (Much easy for me to say then believe).

Shell, Cris, and I are going on next Saturday night after bowling. Ya'll are invited. All my imaginary friends. The more the merrier. If I counted correctly, only 5 more times of bowling! YAY! The end is in sight! If my pocket book and liver could handle it, I would start partying at noon like I did last bowling day.

I have this new mask for my face, and it bugs me. It makes me feel like how I imagine old wrinkly dry skin will feel. I think that means its time to peel/wash it off.

Tomorrow is another day, another dollar. Haven't talked to Clown all weekend, which I'm sure will add some drama to my uneventful work day. My idea work week is going to be...M 8:00-15:00, T 8:00-18:00, W 8:00-15:00, R 8:00-18:00, F 9:00-15:00. Of course, my nice 30 hour flexible, its all subject to change.

T out.


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