The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Wave On Wave

Computers hate me. I tried to email a post (2nd attempt), and still NOTHING. I know what I did wrong with the 1st one now (I did, not but now I'm just clueless.

Mom & I were going out at 12:30, she still doing whatever. Anytime I say I want kids, especially 6 of them very close in age, smack me. I can't handle the pace she moves at, how things have to get put on hold, etc. The system is getting MESSED UP!

I'm moving to NV or AZ SOON! I woke up this morning to 4 (new!) inches of snow! WTF. Where did that come from? I didn't hear anything about snow, especially not 4 inches!

T out.


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