Because He Lives
Tonight's message at Church was 100% directed at me, or so it seemed to me. I worry all the time, about everything, I "what if" the "what ifs". Its one of my 2 least favorite things about me. The sermon was titled "Do Not Worry." I'm working on it! Baby steps.
I did a MUCH better job today of relaxing at work, not getting worked up/stressed out, and my biggest challenge...DELIGATING! One girl I really used to like, has an attitude that needs to get smacked lately. Heaven forbid, I make her WORK while at work and not play Freecell.
Seemed everyone was in a mood to joke around with Clown today. Poor kid. That's what he gets for being a smart ass, joker all the time! Started with me yelling at him about him calling my cell phone at work. I had him believing that I got in trouble from Phil until Jess started laughing. Then he was telling me how to not let his Dad know he called in sick. So, later Jess was like "By the way, some guy called for you yesterday. I think it was your Dad. I told him you weren't here and he was pissed!" Then, Clown left work and didn't log off his phone totally or his computer! So, another girl proceeds to call him at home (I don't know where she got that number from!) and told him that Phil was PISSED that he didn't log off the phone, how Phil told Grace he was going to call HR and tell them he's not responsible.
Clown has me annoyed at the moment. Confused. That might be a better word. He's been on my case to go to one of his hockey games for weeks now. The one night I was supposed to go, I had plans with Jo that lasted longer then I thought. The next time when Shell & I were going to go, he ended up having a bye. So, last Friday, he put his game tomorrow night, on my calander. We have talked about it everyday since last week, how I'm going to his game, meeting his friends, etc. Today, when we are talking about this game for the 3rd time today, he says "Oh yeah, my Dad, and I think, my Mom are going. So, you don't have to go. Its gonna be so cool." Okay, wait a minute. Do you want me to go or NOT? Then, he says "You can meet my parents. They'll love you. Just don't tell my Dad I called in on Tuesday." Gag. I hate parents. Okay, I don't hate them, they just usually hate me. I'm already nervous about stepping out of my box to go to this game, where I know NO ONE and now, I have to go and meet his parents...but wait...does he want me there or not? Just tell me what you want!
Its 22:00 and I have laundry in the washer. Do laundry or wear a skirt tomorrow. I went for the laundry.
After Church Jo, her friend, & I went to Kmart and Meijer looking for a fan for my desk at work. No luck. My office is SO hot. Maybe I will be wearing a skirt tomorrow after all. Then at Meijer, the soda fountain wasn't working correctly, after I already bought my cup. Slight meltdown.
SML & I are meeting up for dinner tomorrow. Think we can make it thru a meal without fighting? Actually, we don't fight face to face. We only argue online or once in awhile on the phone. I have been looking forward to this meal for 1.5 weeks now, steak, mushrooms, and potatoe with good company. I think religion or politics are good topics of converstation. Oh wait, I said no fighting.
Dad told me tonight that I have to Mom-sit Friday night (I have to leave work right at 3pm!) and all day Saturday. Grand. Happy weekend to me. She is doing better now then earlier. Lets just keep hope she improves, other wise I'll be in sad sad shape come Saturday night.
What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.
T out.
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