The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Get Right

I decided in my last post, that since I use military time for most things, I'm just going to use times within my posts that way too. If ya'll need a military time telling lesson, just ask. It only took me about 23 years to figure it out.

I was in bed by 20:30, probably asleep by 20:40, which for me, especially with a cold is good. At 21:00, I'm woke up by the dog barking like crazy, followed by the door bell ringing, etc. Jo handled the situation at the door, I handled my Mom who was woke up too. So, I get my Mom some food, and get her back in bed. I ask Jo to stay with Mom...I needed to go back to sleep. I have to go thru my entire get ready for bed ritual again. Quality night time sleep doesn't come easy for me...I'm a much better napper then night time sleeper! I'm back in bed and asleep by 21:30. I got 1 or 2 text messages from SML during the next hour or so...but since I was asleep, I couldn't figure out how to deal with the it kept buzzing and driving me crazy. (He's a pretty smart kid sometimes, I didn't reply to his messages so he figured I was sleeping and already sent me an email apologizing for disturbing my sleep!) Dad got home at about 23:00, woke me up again. Then at about 23:30, I hear puking coming from below. Grand. I fly downstairs (I'm so used to flying downstairs sound asleep for every little peep my Mom makes and being able to 100% function by the time I hit the hallwaythat leads to her room) to hear Jo dying laughing and yelling at my Dad..."Ahhhh, you woke T up" Turns out Dad was laughing/choking on his food and Mom is sleeping still! Yay! I can go back to sleep. Oh wait, my sleep has been disturbed 1 to many times now, and I'm awake. GRAND! I'm going to take a sleeping pill soon and try this sleeping gig again.

TGIF!!!!!!! We have a party at work today. It's one of the ladies last day. She graduated in December and got a "real" job now. I'm happy for her! I was happy she was leaving because I would get to handle all her stuff and since I'm a control freak, the more I handle the better. Jess decided that we are going to have someone replace the lady leaving. I didn't like the idea of training someone new, but whatever. Then Jess told me who and I really didn't like the idea. We all should know you don't assume anything. There are 2 ladies with the same first name, I just assumed it would be a certain one, turns out its not...I'm THRILLED with Jess' choice! I am really looking forward to training this lady on Monday. She's SO nice, polite, smart, learns quick, knows our company well, asks questions, etc! Out of the 75 people in our department now, I don't think a better choice could have been made! All part of the reason Jess makes the big bucks.

Jo & I backed apple crisp for the work party earlier. Its a new receipe. Mom liked it. We shall see, I don't think I'll like it as much as the other one I make. Jo & I are getting along well, she hasn't fought with me at all lately when I ask for help. Its cause I love her.

My mom has to drive with me to the city tomorrow, so I can drop her off at Gma's house. Grand. I don't want her in the car with me for that long right now. Be grateful T.

Its now after midnight...making the date 03/04/05. Since I have reason to believe he reads here still...Happy 24th Birthday ST! I wish you a happy & safe birthday!

T out.


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