Places I've Never Been
I admit that I'm spoiled, think I'm a little princess, and basically believe the world should revolve around me. I like things to go my way. I didn't say I'm proud of those qualities, just saying I have them. From the time I was born, most people have given me my way with little fighting. (My parents, my grandparents, ST) My way usually is logical, best, at least, I think it is. Sometimes people (my Grandparents!) give me my way so they don't have to deal with the monster I become if things don't go how I see hit. The first few times that ST and I fought I took it REALLY hard, because I'm not used to getting my boat rocked. Call me a brat, I'm used to it.
Tonight, Yahoo Euchre won't work! I'm NOT happy. I want to play euchre right now. Not in 2 hours, not tomorow, NOW! I need my brain to shut down and that's a very effective way. ERRRRRRRRR!
Peace, love, and snottiness to all.
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