The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Designated Drinker

So I decided to not go to work. I was laying in bed (in between snoozes) thinking about going to work or not. Mom called crying that the roads were TERRIBLE (she was with dad, she goes to Gma's house, dad goes to work, so he can take 1/2 day and take her to the Dr). That made up my mind. Screw work today.

Mental health day for me! So far, I've played euchre online, slept and slept some more. Jo & I are going to attempt venturing to town (if we make it out of the driveway) and run some errunds. I have a feeling (or at least hope!) that once we get out of the driveway it won't be that bad and then the main roads will be wet but managable. Now if I didn't have to drive 5 miles to get to the main roads. Okay, so I could drive 1 mile and get to a main road, but its just not the best way.

After we return, I think I'm going to do some scrapbooking or something peaceful.

T out.


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