The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I'll Think Of A Reason Later

Jo & I did some running around town. The roads were TERRIBLE, still! I thought by noon, the main roads would be at least, slushy. No, still snow covered and crappy. Getting in and out of the driveway was an adventure in deep breathing for me.

We went to the library, got some taxes forms and a BOOK! Yes, I got a book. Its called Population: 485 by Michael Perry. I have until 03/22/05 to finish 234 pages. Wish me luck. Of course, I didn't get a library card, just used Jo's. Its all part of the not wanting to realize I live where I live.

From there, we went to the Scrapbook store. I didn't buy any paper! I figure the 500 sheets I have now (give or take a few hundred) should be enough for a while. I did find a cool wrestling thing, they had 2 in stock, bought them both. I also got some cool Christmas stickers and some mother stickers. I have 5 pages done for my mom's album. I better get cracking. I want at least 20 pages (by Mother's Day). I only spend $13.02 not bad.

Then we went to the grocery stores. Nothing exciting to report from there.

I think I'm going to take a bath and read, then I'm going to curl up in my warm bed and take another nap. Yay. Some real R & R. Wake up and do some scrapping. Ahhh. What a great day.

That's all she wrote.


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