The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Classical Gas

Another day, another dollar. Work was much better then yesterday but still not great. I know that we have some things that will just require a learning curve. I mean, the new assistant is doing great 2 days into it...we just have to learn how the other is going to function, think, etc. I didn't always like the way the previous lady did things, but I knew how she did them. Clown called in sick today. He called my cell phone to call in sick, when just last week we got bitched out about cell phones being used in the office. DORK! I was going to stay late, since I would have someone to socialize with, as I worked but...I just couldn't do it. 8.5 hours and I called it a day.

I was nice & called and checked on Clown. He's seriously sick, he doesn't miss work! Hopefully he'll be back soon & 100%. I did let Kris in on things a little bit. Much better when I have 1 good confidont to talk to about things, someone that knows us both well.

Mom isn't doing well, she's in a bad spell...I can handle these, I can't handle her depression. She had day 3 of her brain-mental (neuro-physocological or something like that) testing today. The lady stopped about 30 minutes into it, yelling at my mom & dad that my mom is on drugs blab blah blah. No! That's not the problem. This is how she gets about 1-2 times a month for 2-5 days at a time. No one gets it!

ST was online for a few minutes last night, when I first signed on. I didn't IM him, I haven't returned his message (which was him responding to me calling, but not leaving a message the night before) from Sunday. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

T out.


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