The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Busy Man

Work SUCKED today! For starters, I only got there 15 minutes early. I really have been trying to get there an hour early, since 800 is our worst hour. Oh well. Then, I had to train the new assistant. OMG! Everything that could go wrong did. Her computer wouldn't print correctly. I had to get Clown to help 2 times. He is so much quicker & friendlier then our "help desk". Thankfully about an hour into noticing the problem the issue was 100% fixed!!!!!! Yay! Reason #10,287 Clown should be promoted! We were SLAMMED until about 1:15pm, then things calmed down and became managable. I wasn't at my desk until after Clown left, so our talks were very limited.

About 14:00 my head started pounding. It wasn't getting any better. I left work on time, at 15:00. I had to stop 2 times on the way home to vomit. Joy! I called Dad when I was about 10 minutes from home and told him to make me an ice pack. I walked in the door, grabbed the ice pack, took a bath (with my ice pack) in the dark, then went to sleep with my ice pack, in the dark silence. I slept at good 2.5 hours. Woke up, feeling better, ate, felt much better!

As I was trying to leave work, I was talking to one of my friends. She was asking about Clown's promotion. I made the stupid mistake of saying "Things would be alot easier if he'd get that damn promotion already." I know she's doing the whispering gig, but basically, she only talks to those that I talk to. Seriously though, his real interview was last Tuesday...get him out of my room now!

The new Real World/Road Rules challenge starts in just moments! Yay! Yay! Yay!

T out.


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