The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

A Little Less Converstation

Its all over the TV & newspapers that the Catholic HS near where I used to live (my HOME!) is closing. ST, my little "brothers", and many of my friends went to school there. I'm quiet sad about it. As many times as ST & I argued about public/private schools, I'm just sad to see this school go. This school was a very big part of that tiny city! According to the news reports the grade school will be staying open. Really, it was only a matter of time before it closed. I wonder what ST's feelings on the matter are.

Yesterday was my Dad's 49th birthday! He's such an easy man to please. I made him a card, Mom & Jo made him his favorite dinner, and my Grandma made/bought him an apple pie. We let him nap in peace & quiet. JJ even called (well after Dad was in bed for the night) to tell him Happy Birthday. Miracles do happen now & then.

Today is St Patrick's Day! I really don't get into the partying aspects of it like some people do. One year, I'm going to go to the bar just to see all the hype about green beer and all that jazz.

My favorite message board is quickly becoming a sad, univiting place to hang out. There is so much bickering and "I'm better then you" attitudes that its just getting old. The place has always been very "clickey" but seriously, this one group might finally be getting their way as they seem to be pushing all the nice people out.

T out.


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