Seriously...I know this will pass, but in the mean time, I HATE IT. I hate feeling this way. I just wish there was a real way to make it pass quicker. Really, I wish there was a way to make it not happen at all...but that's not realistic. Just be happy that 1) these moods don't happen as often as they used to. 2) they don't last as long as they used to. 3) it WILL pass.
Is it possible to get sunburn on ones lips? My lips have never been this dry yucky for such an extended period of time. Chapstick & Carmex are my buddies.
Today, I was doing some cleaning...
I had to wash 2 vases. I'm all out of flowers. :-( 1 vase belongs to my Mom. 1 vase is mine. Each time I look at my vase empty, I can't help but be flooded with happy memories. Spring of 2001. Shortly after I moved in with ST, he came home from work with nice fancy flowers for me. ST had only been living on his own 5 months, I had only been there about a week. We didn't own a vase. So, we had to go shopping! He bought me a pretty fancy crystal vase, which I adore still. The store was going out of business, so he got a deal on it...and he got me a new cutting board too. I was so happy. I got flowers, a pretty vase, and a cutting board all in the same day!
I had to throw away a bag of mine. I was pretty attached to the bag, but it had seen its better day. I got the bag May of 1998 during one of my MANY trips to Joe-vision with Butt. We spent so much time at awesome Red Wings' Joe-vision. Good times. That year was DEFINITLY one of the best years of my life, as far as learning stuff as an adult. It was a hard year, but a good year. Lets see...I learned 1) credit cards are BAD 2) I deserve the best 3) No one should tolerate an abusive relationship 4) Real friends will be there for you, thru thick & thin. 5) 17 days in a car with my family is WAY to long.
So, if anyone wants to get me a Red Wings duffle bag or flowers...I'll gladly accept.
That's all she wrote.
I agree...housecleaning is the pits!
Nice to see another bipolar patient out there isn't afraid of baring her soul.
Hang in there, toots!
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