The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Afternoon Delight

Proof positive that my sleep is way out of whack...I slept from about 18:40-23:20, now its midnight (when normal people are sleeping) and I'm wide awake.  At least its the weekend & sleep schedule isn't that big of an issue!

Tomorrow, I hope its nice outside.  I want to lounge in my pool and RELAX!  Sunday, Church is earlier than normal and we have a picnic afterwards.  I'm not liking this idea of the picnic...but whatever.  Red's Dad is "making" me go to this lovely picnic.  We are going to play softball at the picnic, so twist twist twist my arm.  I love that family.  They are so goofy just like my family usually is.  I need to make a salad or desert to "share" at this picnic.  Any ideas?

My family (Mom's family) pisses me off!  I don't mind helping out ever, I just get annoyed that I always have to help, yet others don't!  Gma was in the hospital (she had surgery and at 77 years old, they wanted to keep her overnight, just to make sure things were okay), and needed a ride home.  To know my Gma is to know that lady is VERY independent!  The lady has about as much energy as my 8 year old nephew (which is a TON!).  She would have rather walked home from the hospital than "burden" anyone to take her home!  Well, now I work full time & have a life.  My one Aunt that lives the closest to my Gma doesn't work, has no children, and not much of a life couldn't be bothered to pick Gma up from the hospital.  Aunt complained all week about having to take Gma to one doctor appointment!  So, today after work, I had to pick Gma up from the hospital.  Now, it wasn't a big deal & I would bend over backwards for Gma...but it just pisses me off that my Aunt is so selfish & useless!  My Aunt already complains that "Gma thinks T is perfect.  T is great & can do nothing wrong in anyones eyes."  Ha!  ERRRR!  Mom's family is just strange!  Mom has 4 (living) siblings.  1 is my useless tool of an Aunt, 1 Aunt is just WEIRD & tries to be cool but I can't help but remember the past, 1 Uncle is so stuck on money & thinks his little family is perfect, and 1 Uncle is so COOL & just rules!  He's my favorite, so is his wife, and his 3 little ones (okay, so one isn't so little...she's 19) rock too.  Why can't the rest of the be awesome like Favorite Uncle?  NOOOOO.  The rest must suck.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  I'm going to watch the
game I recorded while napping.  Maybe I'll run to Meijer.  I have no water and cranberry juice left.  Darn kidneys!!!!  I'm thirsty!

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


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