The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Working Man's Wage

Yes, I am watching the MLB All-Star game, but TiVo rocks!  I need more go fast time.  So, its paused for now.  :-D  Whether I actually stay awake for the entire game or not, God only knows.

We all know by now that Princess Whiny Bit*h doesn't feel good.  Well, I have these lovely medications (one to take every 6 hours, one to take every twice a day, and one to take every 4 hours (as needed...which right now, its needed every 2 hours if you ask me!))...well they all must be taken with food.  Well, lets see I'm drinking fluids like its going out of style & I don't feel good.  Tell me how much FOOD I want to put down every other 5 minutes!?!  STUPID.

We all know by now that Princess Whiny Bi*ch doesn't feel good.  That means, the patience I already am lacking lacking MUCH more.  Everyone/thing is annoying me.  Of course, some things MUCH more than others.  I normally think the world should revolve around me.  Right now I REALLY think the world DOES revolve around me...why aren't people acting like it?

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


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