The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Can I Want Your Love

I spent from about August 2003 thru January 2005 seeing a counselor (technically she was a social worker) often.  I will fully admit counseling was the LAST place I wanted to go.  I know I would have NEVER went if ST (and my Mom a little) wasn't on my case to go! 

I loved Laura to pieces.  We just "clicked" from the beginning.  There were times during my counseling adventure that I still didn't want to go, or felt like I didn't NEED to go.  There were many times while sitting in Laura's office that I was like "Why am I here?  Am I getting anything out of this?"  Usually, it was on the way home, or the next day that things Laura said actually made sense within my weird little head.

Laura & I didn't part ways on the best of terms, which sucked!  I didn't want to stop seeing her, but was basically forced to because of lack of funds.  Insurance changed & new insurance offered NO mental health coverage.  JERKBALLS!

I think the biggest thing that Laura was able to drill into my thick skull was "I can't control the actions of others."

My bipolar tendencies aren't something I'm super proud of, but its not something I'm going to hide & pretend I'm always okay.

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


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