The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

She's On Fire

I volunteered to lead David's Friends in 2 weeks.  I'm VERY excited about it!  BUT wait...I can't do it!  Its the day of Shell & J's wedding rehearsal.  I'm really bummed. 

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.  Humans are creatures of habit.  Patience is a virtue.

My stomach is in a huge knot at the moment.  I need to "open my heart to God" and stop over thinking/analysing this situation with #4.

I have to take a leap of faith on a few things soon, step outside my box, etc., and its just weighing on me a lot.  I'm going to do some old fashion writing, to God, to help clear my head because praying alone isn't working for me right now.  If I don't get my head to clear up, calm down some...I'm in a for a ROUGH few days...especially when I have to go up north to Gpaw's house.  See...I am letting things snowball and things that aren't relevant to other things all start becoming a clusterfudge within my head.  ERRRRRRRRRRRR.  FOCUS on the cool things God is doing, T.  ON TASK!

Tomorrow, I won't get to nap really...BUT I do have a 4 day weekend!

How about those Tigers?  A nice 3 run home run by C-Mo (Craig Monroe for those that aren't crazy Tiger fans) in the 9th inning, with 2 outs, to beat the Yankees by 2.  Wahoooo!  When the Tigers win the world series, I'm going to go do cartwheels naked around the entire perimeter of the yard.

Off to dream about God's plan for MY life...which hopefully includes palm trees.  ;-)

God is love!


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