The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Drop Dead Gorgeous

How 'bout those Tigers? Wahoo! Last nights game was great. It would be SO nice to send the Yankees packing this afternoon & win the series at home!

Today is such a crazy busy sports day if you live in Michigan! The Tigers have a chance to eliminate the Yankees this afternoon. The HUGE Michigan/Michigan State football game is on this afternoon. Then tonight there is a Red Wings game. It doesn't get much better then that! I just wish the Tigers/Yankees & MSU/UofM games weren't on at the same time!

I made tentative plans for today, this afternoon...but after figuring out the sports schedule, I decided just to stay home and watch my sports. Yes, I'm that big of a sports nerd. I'd rather stay in and watch sports then go out.

The opposite sex is nothing but a headache. I have such a love/hate relationship with them lately. I just need to remember I'm PRESIDENT of the Staying Single Forever Club! I'm a very wishy washy person that can sucks at giving people concrete answer & making concrete plans. I need someone that can deal with that, or maybe I need to stop being a SO wishy washy. Hmmm...maybe I'm causing some of them guys headaches. The evil part of me hopes so!

I'm doing better mentally. Not good & I know things can change at a moments notice...but BETTER!

After talking with the guy that I'm going to the Halloween Party with a few times...I think I know what I might be! Punky Brewster! Its just my idea at the moment. He suggested dressing like someone from a 70/80's TV show. Then Punky Brewster popped into my mind. Plus, my cousin Trin was Punky when we were little so it would be a cool tribute to Trin. Maybe I can get the guy to be Henry! That would rock. I bet he'll do it! He wants to go as a Goth freak (he's a VERY clean cut "normal" white collar type) but I think Henry is a much better idea!

Dad & Mom are going to visit Gma soon. Jo & I have butt loads of housework to do. I want to nap. Happy Saturday!

Go Red Wings! Go Tigers! Go Spartans!

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!


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