The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Victory In Jesus

I wish I could put into words how my heart is breaking lately.  I couldn't tell you the last time I felt like this.  Like people are TRYING to break my heart, step on it, rip it out of my body, mangle it and try to put it back in.  I've had my heart screwed with before...but never where it felt so intentional, but never by my friends, but never like this.  It hurts, I hurt.

Its October.  Its cooler outside.  There is a fly in my computer room.  Its pissing me off!

Speaking of October, its "officially Autumn" now.  Officially, meaning in my head.  I LOVE AUTUMN!  Its my FAVORITE season.  Yet, everything I love about Autumn is depressing the hell out of me.

Trying to think positive...I decided there are SOME good things about Farmville USA.  (Especially because I've been forced to stay here more then I'd like lately!)  The stars rule!  There are SO many of them and they are SO bright.  Next, with it being Autumn, I get to enjoy the changing leaves and scenery a lot more.  The stuff we used to drive to the "country" to see in Autumn, I get to see out my window.  That's cool.  There was a crane, you know the funky looking bird, in my front yard today.  That wouldn't happen in the city.  As much as I HATE birds, that was still cool.  (Cause cranes remind me of a happy time in my life!)

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


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