The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, October 20, 2008

A few things...

1)  I'm SICK. 

Having a flare up to the Nth degree.  I know these will happen but it doesn't mean it doesn't catch me off guard.  It doesn't mean the pain will be any less.  This flare up is MAJOR, migraine and all.  Nothing is shaking it.  My sleep has been off since April but during a flare up, I know it gets worse.  The flare started Friday night.  Saturday, I went to sleep at 8am, slept til 1pm.  Went to sleep Sunday at about 2am until 9am.  Then again from 1pm until 5pm, then again from 10pm until 2am.  (which means I missed the end of the ALCS game 7)  Of course, during this sleep time there is multiple trips to the bathroom.  What do I do while awake that takes so much energy?  Maybe take a bath, watch some TV, play online, take another bath, go to the bathroom a million times, maybe get in a call to my parents or talk with Roomie, and probably take another bath.  If you didn't figure it out, baths are one of the biggest helps at relieving some pain.  That and heating pads and ice packs.  Very often, I leave my bathroom after a bath, stop in the kitchen to get an ice pack, and then crawl in bed and put the ice pack on my head and crank up the heating pad for my stomach.  This to shall pass.

2)  When you think people don't read here, remember this is a public blog.

Now, I don't care who really reads here.  I KNOW to not put ultra top secret info here.  Sometimes I come here to vent, and then a few weeks later people say stuff that I KNOW I did NOT talk to them about so they had to read it here.

3)  Males frustrate me.

I have such a love/hate relationship with most.  They just need to realize, I am right, they are wrong and move along.

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


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