The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

What I Miss The Most

Yesterday I left work almost on time, because I was just BEAT! Thinking, I'm going to go home, crash for 2 hours, then do stuff. WELL...yeah. That's what I get for thinking. So, I busted ass until about 19:45, then I'm watching Mom for a little bit, then at 20:30, I think I can FINALLY crash. Take my sleeping pills (I just needed them so I'd sleep more then 2 hours straight, were talking prescripiton ones, not the cheap, don't work for me, over the counter ones), take my bath, and then Dad starts going off that I need to do this that and the other. I flew off the handle, not once, but twice! I hate hate HATE HATE when I sink to their level and scream. After about 15 minutes, Dad talked to me and I went to sleep.

And sleep I did! I was asleep by 21:00, woke up once at 6:30 then 8:30 then for the final time at 11:30. YAY! Sleep is my friend.

Now, I need to get ready for my adorable cousin's birthday party. Much more later. #3 on the list from the other night should have been 3) Body Butter. I also need to blog about my ST dream.

T out.


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