The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, June 13, 2005

A Little Gasoline

I'm tired, almost to tired to blog, but I won't remember my thoughts come tomorrow.

Softball...we lost. I'm getting annoyed by some women on the team. I'm batting well still, but not good enough. I'm fielding okay, but not good enough. I hate being such a darn (attempted) perfectionist!

Mom is doing almost good. YAY!!!!!!

Michael Jackson is not guilty. Yay! I could have told you that. Now, stop taking the dude to court. Also, parents STOP letting your parents hang out with him.

I don't like when people call me and don't leave me messages. It stresses me out. I'm sure it was nothing, but it just BUGS me. I try to tell myself, if it was important, I'd get a message, the person would call back, etc...but that doesn't work.

There is crap going on with my work. In the next few days, I have to get some paper work filled out, some questions answered, etc. I'm a contract employee, have been for 3.5 years now. We got a letter today, that the company I (technically) work for, got bought out or something. Its really confusing.

I think I'm odd. I live in the metro Detroit area. I just can NOT get into this basketball thing. Go Pistons Go! I'm just not into it. I miss hockey. I used to like basketball when I was like 12...but it just doesn't do a thing for me.

Bed time...NOW.

T out.


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