The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I typed this last night but blogger wasn't working right...

* I wish I could shut off all emotions. I wish I was HAPPY being single forever. Now, while I am content being single for now, the LONG term idea doesn't make me happy.

* Jo just said that Red & I need to take a communication class. She's right. When I was leaving tonight, I told him I was mad at him but mad wasn't the correct word. Now, I feel bad for saying mad..I should of said hurt & confused! Oh well. I'll talk to him tomorrow & clear the air. I'm spending so much time with him right now, we are talking so much. I'm not sure if thats the best thing right now, with him leaving SO soon. I hate feeling like I care to much, like I care more about him then he does me. Things will NEVER work if its not reciprocal. I've already learned that lesson, the HARD way.

* Red doesn't like the fact that I am not passionate about anything. I don't think I am passionate about anything. Should everyone be passionate about something? Nerd alert, his passion is technology. He also complained that I don't smile enough. Interesting.

* I really feel like I need to write him a letter, like I talked about doing last week...but I'm SO freaking tired AND hungry, its probably not the best idea.


So, I did start a letter to him last night, 2.5 pages later, its still not complete, nor is the 2.5 pages written in any organization for me to give it to him.

Somethings gotta give.

T out.


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