The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Old Town New

A few things from yesterday...

My Dad, Pastor D, Big Troy, and Red's Dad think they are a bunch of comedians!

--There were never endless jokes about being Red-less. It started as a joke between Pastor D & I, regarding our skits...but its SNOWBALLED majorly.

--Pastor D kept going about how he does wedding 1/2 off for members of his Church. So, then Dad & Red's Dad were like "They are BOTH members, so that's FREE"

--Red & I were playing catch with the balls the kids had been using for kick/dodge ball. Well, I was trying to pay attention to my OVERLY HYPER group of kids. I tossed the ball & Red can't catch. It hit him square in the youknowwherearea. So, then that got everyone going about 1) Me looking there (cause you throw where you look) and 2) Us being able to have kids.

I had a stupid dream that my Mom started smoking again. She's been smoke free for about 6 weeks now. That's a VERY long time for her. I woke up SO angry, in the middle of a panic attack over it. Then it just got worse, because it refueled tons of emotions I have about my Mom's relapses and my continous fear about Dad relapsing.

Work is calling my name. TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's all she wrote.


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