I Am Just A Girl
I got the privledge of seeing my buddy Red at Church today. He was waiting for me on the landing, before I walked outside/him downstairs. The converstation went something like this "Hi T, How are you stranger? Why do I actually miss you?" "Hi Red, how's it going?" a few other comments then it was "Red, you are such a smart aleck" followed by him telling me I'm "mean." We both agreed those are things we've known for long time. As we hugged, he whispered in my ear "less than 2 months". No wonder this boy confuses me so much. I can't wait for him to be home though, to have someone within the same town as me, that I'm COMFORTABLE with, that I TRUST.
David's Friends is on a break until 3/29, then we are meeting on Wednesday again, at Pastor D's house. We are VERY close to being Church-building-less. YAY!!!!
Taking a (shorter then I'd like) nap, then I'm outtie.
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
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