The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry

Someone sent me a message via MySpace.  She sent it from her sister's account, cause she was just checking to see who she knew on there.  She gave me her email address and told me to drop her an email.

If I think about all the good regarding this girl, I want to get in contact with her.  The thought of the bad regarding this girl makes me want to vomit.  I'm shaking, just reading her message.  This girl hurt me much more than any other female EVER has!

She was a good friend.  She was my roommate when I went away to college.  Even after I moved out and got a new roommate, we remained friends.  The issues came up when she went thru my journals, stole my calling card, and than about a week after we moved home for the summer...the straw that broke the camels back, she was the accomplice in a crime committed against me, my house, and my family.

Like I said...was.  I know I hold a grudge.  Part of me wants to get in contact with her & catch up...BUT part of me says she's up to no good.  I don't know.  People change.  I know I'm NOT the same person I was in 1998.

Getting in contact with her could help me mentally figure things out...maybe.  She was probably my best friend during the time I started to mentally fall apart.  The crime was definitely one of the LARGEST turning points in my (mental) life.  BUT...I don't trust her.  I don't know.  As of right now, I'm going to pray & let things spew for a few days within my head.  I'm CONFUSED to say the least.  Thoughts...opinions?

God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


At Tuesday, May 23, 2006 7:23:00 AM, Blogger Boobless Brigade Master said...

If she made the initial contact and the first thing she did was sincerely apologize for her previous behavior...and you truly believe what she wrote...consider letting go of the grudge.
If she made the initial contact and is wanting to get back to being friends but didn't apologize at all and is essentially pretending that nothing ever happened...she hasn't changed and she's hoping you haven't either so that she can take advantage of you again. JMHO.


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