The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

All Hat, No Cattle

Miracles do happen!

I went to sleep last night at about 23:15. I slept until 07:15, looked at my alarm clock...rolled over and slept until it went off at 08:15. That's a full nights sleep. UNBROKEN SLEEP! I think being outside all day in the sun, lounging in the pool, and doing yard work were big helps to sleeping solid.

I want to go to the Tigers game today. I want to go to a Tigers game soon. I was playing around last night and there are like crap seats left (at least for today's game & rumor has it for the rest of the year). I don't like fair weather fans! Wait, I'm basically a fair weather Pistons fan. Nope...not really, not until its late into the playoffs do I start to care/watch.

^5 to Jo for figuring out my new closing line. At least, I think it was Jo...she's the one that comments and never signs her name.

God is love.


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