The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Next Friday, I've got MORE tests scheduled...but hopefully these are the last.  My appetite is back in a HUGE way.  Yesterday, for the first time in 3 weeks...I actually felt okay (not to be confused w/ feeling good) but now tonight...I had to take a pain pill and I'm still in some pain.  I just want this done.  I've got to call the doctor tomorrow cause I am NOT going there again until after these upcoming tests, yet he didn't give me enough meds. 

Happy note.  Jo got her drivers license today.  FINALLY.  Now hopefully she'll gain confience about driving and actually drive.

My friends and family are the best!  They've been nothing but rocks of support for me lately.  I'd be lost without them.  I hope they know how much I love them and how grateful I am.

Dad is having surgery tomorrow.  Nothing major, but Dad is the glue that keeps our family functioning so its a little nerve wracking.

Monday morning, I was praying about how I don't feel like I'm at good at praying  (and DEFINITLY not a good out loud prayer) and I struggle with my prayer life.  God gave me the most clear answer ever.  God's answer was "just keep praying".  I had to share with Jo and Dani, because I was so excited about it.  When Dani and I went to dinner, I even offered to say the prayer before our meal!

God is love!


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