The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

So, I'm CRYING over ice cream.  I wanted ice cream last night and settled for McDonald's hot fudge, which was DEFINITLY NOT what I wanted.  I called my friend to have him bring me ice cream tonight and got told no.  He says he's there fo me when I need him, and this is a want.  ERRRRRRRRR.  I don't like to be told no.  I can't handle it lately, I can't handle life lately.  My friend is full of dumb reasons he can't/won't/doesn't want to do it too and that just annoys me.  Laundry, taking out the trash, and cleaning the garage are more important then me.  The place I want ice cream from is near my friend's house, but is KNOWN for being VERY slow.  There aren't other options really, besides McDonald's and I didn't want that yesterday and I don't want that again today.  ERRRRRRRRRRR.  A commerical is on for the ice cream place.

Now, one might ask why I can't go get the ice cream myself.  The ice cream place is about 5 miles from me.  Earlier today, I drove to the grocery store for 1 item.  The grocery store is about a mile from me.  I almost got into a car accident on the way there.  I had to call my mom to calm me down and sit on the bench outside the store to calm down.  THEN I came out of the store (I went for one thing and was in there for less then 10 minutes) I had NO clue where I parked. 

I am losing the mental war right now.  I'm losing the physical war right now.  Any glue that holds me together is weak right now but I'll pull it together somehow.

God is love.


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