The Spaz Says

My life is boring! I'll waste you time with a little of this, a little of that, and a whole bunch of nothing!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

WHY do people insist on speaking (or typing!) before thinking?  I mean, this is my blog, a place for my thoughts and I still try to filter myself here.  Why would you say something to someone you call a FRIEND that you know would hurt them or their spouse?  People wonder why I get quiet and withdrawn. 
I am struggling with a disconnected feeling again, some depression (probably cause my Farmville USA best friend DIED!), some anxiety...yet I am EXCITED about getting married, our wedding, and trip to FL.  There have been lots of changes in my life lately and I've been dealing with them pretty well overall.  I am surprised at the calmness I feel.  The anxiety is so much less then I am used to for big events.
My (soon to be) step-son is the best.  I am so glad with how well we are bonding and all the nice things he says about me.  He is away for college & I wish he was with us more.  He was home this past weekend and I charish that time we get with him.  Its likely we will see him two weekends in June! 
God is love.


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